Tag Archives: Orlando

Councilmember Navarro’s Comments on the Orlando Shooting


Councilmember Navarro’s Statement on the Orlando Shooting:

“On Sunday, Orlando fell victim to what is an all too common occurrence; a mass shooting perpetrated by someone full of hatred and devoid of respect for human life. This targeted attack that took the lives of 49 people should be more than just a moment of reflection, but a call to action. Maryland has already banned weapons of war, like the one that was used in this massacre. Congress must follow President Obama’s leadership and pass sensible gun control laws.

The Latino LGBT community, in particular, was hard-hit by this tragedy. Many of those killed were immigrants or children of immigrants, who came to this country precisely because of our values of inclusiveness, respect and acceptance. Instead of responding to this tragedy by banning Muslim immigrants we should be proud of the contributions immigrants make to our society, and reject divisive rhetoric.”