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Nancy in the News

Montgomery County Council honors Berman Academy/Harmony Hills ES peer mentoring partnership

For Immediate Release

Montgomery County Council to honor Berman Hebrew Academy’s “Chesed Ambassadors” partnership with Harmony Hills Elementary School

Councilmember Nancy Navarro praises peer mentoring program

ROCKVILLE, Md., September 11, 2012 — Montgomery County Council Vice President Nancy Navarro (D-District 4) on Tuesday, September 11, presented a proclamation on behalf of the Montgomery County Council to students and administrators from the Berman Hebrew Academy and Harmony Hills Elementary School to honor the “Chesed Ambassadors” program — a partnership between the two schools.

The ceremonies will take place at approximately 9:30 a.m. in the Third Floor Hearing Room of the County Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Ave. in Rockville.

Although the schools are less than two miles apart in Aspen Hill, the two communities often do not have opportunities to interact. The “Chesed Ambassadors” program was born in a meeting between Councilmember Navarro and Berman Academy’s Headmaster Dr. Joshua Levinsohn to help bring these communities together. The program has been successful in providing a cultural exchange that strengthens the entire Aspen Hill community.

In January, Berman Academy selected 8 eighth graders to be “Chesed Ambassadors” and visit with kindergarten classes at Harmony Hills on a monthly basis to help them with reading and math. Chesed is Hebrew for “kindness.”

“I’m so glad we were able to put this program together,” said Councilmember Navarro. “This is a wonderful program because both the mentors and mentees benefit from a deeper understanding of people from other cultures and backgrounds.”

The program was implemented by Dr. Levisohn, Harmony Hills Principal Ms. Robin Weaver, and the counselors overseeing the program, Mrs. Gila Landman and Mrs. Rafiya Senghor.


Nancy in the News